Saturday, June 26, 2010

First year...

You hear a lot of people tell you the first year is the hardest and blah blah blah.  Well sometimes it is actually true.  Especially in our case.  We felt that we wanted to do things at least semi-right, so we decided not to live together before we got married.  Believe me our very southern parents were very pleased about the whole concept.  If they only knew.

For financial purposes and because I love him so, I lived with my dad and he with his mom.  But we were right down the street from each other and it worked! Amazingly!

When the time came for us to move in, we looked at it as some great magical thing.  Of course I knew some of his quirks and he knew mine, but I tell you the first couple of months weeks are um shall we say a learning experience. 

I won't get too detailed, but laying in the bed and finding crumbs there is not the most pleasant experience. 

I have to say I wouldn't trade that first year for nothing. 

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